Do You Know the Feeling of Giving Up on Ourselves?

תמונה של מעיין יושבת

Do you know the feeling of giving up on ourselves when we have to hold back when necessary?
Another cigarette,
Another joint,
Another drink,
Another cake,
Another dough,
Giving up on moving our bodies.
Giving up on showing up to meetings on time.
Giving up on saying the word ‘sorry’ when we need to.
Giving up on simply saying ‘I love you’, or ‘thank you’.

Giving up on asking for help when we need to.
Giving up on being in control when we’re angry and allowing ourselves to say anything. ANYTHING.
Giving up on choosing to be in a space of people who agrees with us and have a similar value system like ours.
Giving up on stopping for a minute and asking ourselves what is it we really want.
Giving up on being the mom/dad we want to be.
Giving up on being the spouse we want to be.
Or in short, giving up on living the life we really want to live.

The thing is, that it’s so easy
To give up.
For all of us.
I was really good at it.
Excellent even.

The thing is, that it’s so easy
To give up.
For all of us.
I was really good at it.
Excellent even.

Our mind / brain will always find how to justify its actions
Why is it the right thing to give up now simply because we want to remain in our comfort zone.

Except that the giving up mechanism is slowly destroying every good part of us, it starts small and if you nurture it, it can become very large.
And suddenly, one day, we notice that we are less and less vital and less happy, and much angrier.

Many have said before me that the only way to grow and evolve, is to feel uncomfortable and still act, that’s where the true satisfaction, delightfulness and peace of mind are, what we all dream of.

תמונת פרופיל של מעיין בן-ציון

Maayan Ben Zion

When I was 32 years old, my family and I went through a terrible crisis, when my 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. I found myself most of the time in the hospital, while I had a 1.5-year-old waiting at home, who also needed a mother.
After a long and exhausting time, we found grace and won the battle. My daughter is now 21 and fabulous.
This crisis forced me to look at my life from a different perspective, and choose another path, open myself up to questions I never dared to ask.
As a part of the process, I left my job as an attorney and began learning coaching. My heart started beating again.

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